Make a pledge for rainforests

To get started, select which of the two options you represent and follow the instructions provided.

How will you show up for rainforests?

Assess opportunities
Formulate a pledge
Pledge Review

Review your organization’s operations, and goals to identify how rainforest impact fits in, and review World Rainforest Day’s pledge guidelines below.

How will you show up for rainforests?

Assess opportunities
Formulate a pledge
Pledge review

Submit your pledge below. If you’re not sure where to start, submit your contact information and our team will get in touch.

How will you show up for rainforests?

Assess opportunities
Formulate a pledge
Pledge Review

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Our pledge guidelines

Ecosystem Impact

A positive effect on rainforests or biodiversity, directly (e.g. reforestation) or indirectly (e.g. giving back).

Community Impact

Partnerships with or support of projects led by local communities and/or indigenous peoples, when applicable.

Traceable Impact

Measurable pledge outcomes, with an action plan to trace, verify, and quantify impact.

Explore more opportunities

Your pledge can be as simple as supporting rainforest projects led by our network of non-profit partners. Explore ongoing opportunities below.

Frequently asked questions

1. Should I pledge as an individual or a company?

If you’re making a pledge on behalf of a company, organization, institution, or government, please proceed as a company. If you’re making a personal pledge, proceed as an individual.

2. My company wants to take action for rainforests but we’re not sure where to start. Can you help?

Absolutely. We’re here to work with you from step 1 by identifying how rainforest impact can fit into your company’s work and values. Reach out to us at to get started. Alternatively, check out our list of ongoing projects you can support as your pledge or explore the pledges page for inspiration.

3. What does the pledge process for my company entail?

Step 1: Review your organization’s values, operations, and goals to identify where and how biodiversity impact fits in. Our team is available to work with you from step 1.

Step 2: Independently or with help from our team, formulate your impact idea and action plan.

Step 3: Our team will review your pledge to ensure alignment with the pledge guidelines and help make tweaks as needed.

Step 4: Following your pledge’s public launch, it’s time to get out there and make it happen!

4. What are the pledge guidelines?

Ecosystem Impact: pledges should positively affect rainforests or biodiversity through direct actions like deforestation reduction, rainforest or ecosystem restoration, carbon emissions reductions, supply chain amendments, and/or through indirect actions such as donations, social impact initiatives, operations improvements, volunteer programs, and more.

Community Impact: for pledges that entail on-the-ground work (in rainforests or in urban settings), methods should involve partnering with or supporting projects led by local communities and/or indigenous peoples.

Traceable Impact: Pledge outcomes must be measurable, with an action plan to trace and quantify impact.

5. My company doesn’t have any environmental initiatives or connection to rainforests. Can we still make a pledge?

Absolutely. Regardless of your company’s size, value chain, and focus, there are countless ways to show up for rainforests. Get in touch with us at if you’re not sure where to start.

6. My company already has existing environmental initiatives. Why should we join this campaign?

We can all do more. We invite you to focus on rainforests for your next environmental impact project. If you’re already protecting tropical forests or supporting their primary guardians: thank you! We invite you to double down on your mission in any way that makes sense for you – this could be doubling the amount you donate for the month of June, recruiting aligned companies to make a pledge, or matching employee contributions.

7. How soon does my company have to fulfill its pledge?

Every company is different; the goals and timeline of your pledge will be unique to your company and decided by you. Our team will check in quarterly to ensure accountability, transparency, and support in fulfilling your pledge.

8. What can I do as an individual?

Go to this page to view individual actions that can make a difference for our planet.

©2024 WRD. All right reserved. WRD is a Rainforest Partnership program.
Rainforest Partnership is a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 26-1618125